Tag: Film

Some Dangers From Pandemic Fatigue

After, close to two years, it should surprise no one, many are, at the least, tired of this horrendous pandemic, or even, far – more, fatigued, and sick – and- tired of it, and the impact on our lives! However, this should not, and cannot justify, the utter – disregard of some, in terms of respecting the greater good, and abiding by basic, common sense, public health, protective measures! How did this become another, political issue, with so many, apparently putting their personal/ political interests and agenda, first? How many more must get infected, hospitalized, put others, at – risk, and/ or die? Many seniors have lost their battle, as have the immune – compromised, and we still do not know all the potential longer – term ramifications and impacts! Why does this nation, despite its efforts and spending, have, among, the lowest vaccination rates, in the world, among first – tier, developed nations? Everyone is tired of this, and would like, a return to normal, but, the efforts of a minority, harms our overall efforts, and the potential to optimize our efforts! With that in mind,this article will attempt to briefly examine and review this, and why, we must do better.

1) Conspiracy theories: For some reasons, some prefer to believe unfounded, opinions, and accept them, instead of facts. It began with denials, transformed to accusations, and created harmful resistance. Is there anyone, who has not witnessed or experienced the loss of someone close? While, everyone is entitled to an opinion of their own, they are not, to their own set of facts. It is one thing if your actions only harmed you, but quite – another, when it puts others,at – risk!

2) Politics: Why has this become political, like so many, apparently, common sense, issues, have? There is a huge difference between a viable solution,and well – considered, plan, as opposed to blaming and complaining, denials, and stubbornness!

3) Data and science matter: Mike Bloomberg likes to say, “In God We Trust. All others, bring data,.” History shows, it takes a science – based, plan, endorsed and supported by public health, medical, and scientific personnel and experts, to create a meaningful, fact – based, efforts.

4) Mandate resistance: Although we have seen public health mandates, in the past, it seems we are experiencing the most polarized nation, in recent memory! Just because one doesn’t agree, does not mean, he knows more than the experts!

Either, we proceed, in a more unified manner, or we prolong the horrors. Wake up, America, before many others, lose this battle! It’s up to, each of us!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense: http://Facebook.com/commonsense4all

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10554149

How To Lose Weight Fast The Right Way?

The 2-week diet program has helped both men and women lose weight. It has even made a few members get abs as well not bad! This program made a woman who was 205 pounds with 31% body fat transform into 170 pounds in 2 weeks with only 17% body fat. So she lost a whopping 35 pounds in 2 weeks! What is her secret? you guessed it, the 2-week diet is and it worked like a charm for her. She happens to be my friend Keli and she thanks me every time I see her for telling her about this weight loss program. She now looks better and feels better and she smiles way more than she did in the past as well. I am very happy that I was able to help her and I will be even more happy to help many more as well.

While you are on this program also make sure that you also get some sunlight. Getting sunlight is great, you get a good source of vitamin d and it can also help you lose weight. According to several studies, Researchers have found that sunlight has a positive effect on our fat cells and it can be a good fat burner. The sunlight is also good for your mood and it is important that you have a positive attitude while chasing your fitness goals it just makes it all more fun! So get some sunlight, everybody.

I know you also heard that nutrition is the key to losing weight. This is still very true, you want to make sure that you are eating all your micro and macronutrients every day. I would recommend a pound of vegetables a day. You also want to make sure you eat all your fruits and vegetables as well as, other great whole food choices. Whole foods are great for your bodies growth and reproductive systems. Stay away from high carbs and processed foods. They are not good for your health and they will make you gain weight. You also want to eat a high-protein breakfast every morning, it will give you great energy for the day and it also is good for your health and will keep you fuller for longer periods.

You are a going to achieve all your fitness goals with this program and be able to live the way you want. You can do it, I know you can and I am pretty sure you know that as well. So get the 2-week diet and change your life forever and remember that you have to smile all the way to the top!

I want to lastly say that I have been training people to lose weight for 3 years now and I found the 2-week diet program to be reliable, trustworthy, and most importantly effective. I know you will also find it useful as well. So make sure you get this proven program for weight loss. They have a rare discount at the moment so hurry up and get it because this amazing program might not be here forever so act now!

Buying The Coach Purses Online Easily

With a lot of designs and sizes available in the market, Coach Purses can be challenging. This is due to the fact that there is too much familiarity among the different types and sizes of purses available in the market. When it comes to functionality, there is also a lot of similarity for what these purses can do. From leather to fabric, the wallets for women are stylish, well made, fashionable and probably the most sought-after accessories for women on the planet.

If you are interested in buying the wallets of this brand, then a lot of factors that must be looked upon, while buying it. These wallets have a large collection to choose from. It could be a good and interesting idea to check what you are going to get with a wallet prior to purchasing. These wallets are made for both women and men. These purses can meet the desired needs and preferences of all the people these days.

What to do?

First of all, getting started with the buying process, you need to consider all your likings and preferences for a wallet you want or need to buy. Getting familiar with your needs and interests is an easy way of finding the perfect matched wallet for you. These types of purses have become one of the most preferred wallets for women and men. You can buy any kind of purse that can fulfill your business needs and style factors in an easy and effective manner.

If you are tired of buying any of the purses using the offline mode, then the internet will give you an excellent option. The main interesting thing about the purchase of the coach purses online is that the reviews are available by different customers all over the world. It means that you can come to know about the pros and cons of any style and type of the purse or wallet with the assistance of the user reviews online. User reviews come in a handy option when you are new to the internet and its buying process.

A lot of choice options

When you explore the market to buy these kinds of purses because of the huge popularity of this brand, there are lots of options come in front of you. It is important to check all the available options so that you can find as per your needs. A wallet is an important accessory to be bought as you can remain your important things protected by it. Moreover, with the protection factor, these purses can improve your style factor.

Shop online

These days, online shopping is the preferred method of buying anything related to your lifestyle and fashion. When it comes to buying wallets of this brand, there is also a presence of unique and stylish purses on the web. With the various benefits of online shopping, you can remain cost-effective and convenient all the time. In this manner, you are going to get a unique experience with the online shopping of purses or wallets of this brand.

While going online, you need to make sure that you learn a lot about the online shopping websites, where you are going to buy a right coach purse to fulfill your desires. As there are lots of fake websites that only deal in low-quality coach purses, it is good to beware of them and never fall into the trap of these frauds. So, it depends on your research work what you will do for buying a high-quality purse at a good price range. Start your search online and buy the right purse but with a great cautiousness!